Excel 2016 xlsx opening in read only
Excel 2016 xlsx opening in read only

excel 2016 xlsx opening in read only

readWorkbook: Read from an Excel file or Workbook object.protectWorksheet: Protect a worksheet from modifications.protectWorkbook: Protect a workbook from modifications.pageSetup: Set page margins, orientation and print scaling.pageBreak: add a page break to a worksheet.openxlsxFontSizeLookupTable: Font Size Lookup tables.openxlsx: xlsx reading, writing and editing.openXL: Open a Microsoft Excel file (xls/xlsx) or an openxlsx.NamedRegion: Create / delete a named region.

excel 2016 xlsx opening in read only

modifyBaseFont: Modify the default font.mergeCells: Merge cells within a worksheet.makeHyperlinkString: create Excel hyperlink string.int2col: Convert integer to Excel column.insertPlot: Insert the current plot into a worksheet.insertImage: Insert an image into a worksheet.getTables: List Excel tables in a workbook.getStyles: Returns a list of all styles in the workbook.getDateOrigin: Get the date origin an xlsx file is using.getCreators: Add another author to the meta data of the file.getCellRefs: Return excel cell coordinates from (x,y) coordinates.getBaseFont: Return the workbook default font.dataValidation: Add data validation to cells.createWorkbook: Create a new Workbook object.convertToDateTime: Convert from excel time number to R POSIXct type.convertToDate: Convert from excel date number to R Date type.convertFromExcelRef: Convert excel column name to integer index.conditionalFormatting: Add conditional formatting to cells.

excel 2016 xlsx opening in read only

  • conditionalFormat: Add conditional formatting to cells.
  • col2int: Convert Excel column to integer.
  • cloneWorksheet: Clone a worksheet to a workbook.
  • addWorksheet: Add a worksheet to a workbook.
  • addStyle: Add a style to a set of cells.
  • addCreator: Add another author to the meta data of the file.
  • activeSheet: Get/set active sheet of the workbook.

  • Excel 2016 xlsx opening in read only